Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Single Girls Guide To Being Happy:)


1.) If you are a Single Girl reading this... this is for you.  I work with many young girls at the high school level and at church, have 3 sisters, have been single for quite a long time- So I guess I am an expert?  This silly advice I am about to give you is because of the concerns/ comments/ and questions I get from many young ladies.  Oh and if you are newly single..this will either be annoying or empowering- choose the empowering side:)
2.) If you are a married person reading this... do not get offended... and do not think to yourself....Oh no I have said things like this to Lana and others.  Also do not feel that you are lame because you did not get to do any of these things because you married young.
3.) If you are a guy... I do not know what you can get from this besides knowing that I am single.  I will tell you that this is NOT a boy bashing post... only some boys are dumb- not all:)  This is more for those girls who only value themselves if they have a guy loving them.
4.) I am not an expert, bitter, or expecting to get lots of compliments...I am doing this for all those girls who listen to what society tells them...That all hot, fun, cool girls have a boy by their side at all times which in turn makes them the happiest girls.  I am doing this for the girls who have told me that they wish they had someone to love them.

Fun Questions I have received before (more for humor- maybe you have received these too):

1.)  "I thought you were supposed to get married before your younger sister?"  My Dad was sitting by me during this one and looked at me and said, "It will happen when it is supposed to."  Glad he was sitting there or I might have said something I regretted or cried.
2.)  "You dating anyone"- this is an everyday question, and I do not mind it... especially from my friends and family, but when that is the first thing coming from that persons mouth every time- it gets old.  It is sweet that people care, but why the question before anything else?
3.) "It will happen when you least expect it." I have been "least expecting it" for a few years now... What does that even mean? Haha. That one makes me laugh.
4.) "You are so pretty, how could anyone not like you" sympathetic/flattering as you might think that statement is... umm rude.

Single Girls Guide To Being Happy

1.)  Stay away from the movies on a Friday Night.  Go in the afternoon without all the cute couples.  It will do your heart good.  Pretty much don't place yourself in a situation with lots of adorable couples.
2.)  On Valentines Day plan a party... do not go to the dark side and say poor is very easy to do.  Flowers die, chocolates make you fat, and teddy bears are dust collectors - you do not need them.
3.)  Do not fall into the trap of watching too many Chick Flicks or Disney movies- they are unrealistic and depressing.  Do not get me wrong, I am the chick flick/Disney queen, but too many can get you sad.
4.)  Travel!  So many of my friends have told me how jealous they are that I got the opportunity of traveling before getting married...not that you wont travel when you are might just have to wait 40 years.  Go Now!  Just book a ticket and then you will have to go... yes, it is expensive, just bite the bullet and do it anyways.  I would also suggest visiting a third-world country... your love for life and others will change you for the better.
5.)  Work on Yourself- learn how to cook, babysit, visit the sick, learn how to read a map, cook a meal for someone, encourage others, learn how to sew, learn how to pay your own bills or change your own tire, read self help books, go to sporting events, read your bible, do ANYTHING that will make you a good wife will be better for it.
6.) Figure out what you are good at and Work harder at it...perfect the gifts God gave you now, when you have the time!
7.)  Improve your Relationships with others... your family, friends, church family, work friends.  I try my hardest to go and visit my friends... I am SO glad I have- because we are all so much stronger for it.  I repeat- you have time- lots of time.  Write a letter, email, call, facebook, go visit them.
8.)  Stay Healthy.  OK- so I have just jumped back on the healthy bandwagon a few months ago- so I am NOT an expert.  I just know that when I am the healthiest, I am the happiest.  I am NOT saying you need to be super skinny...I am saying be healthy and happy with yourself.
9.) Weddings- can be a beating for the single folk, BUT you will one day be there, so be happy for them!  Plan the showers, throw the parties, be that awesome bridesmaid (this is coming from a certified Bridesmaid)... and be happy for your friend.  They will all be there for you when it is your turn... well we will see:) jk- I know they will!
10.) Pray for your Future Husband- pray for patience during this unknown waiting time- Know that God is in control- that is the main key to single happiness!
11.)  Do not be around other single people that are all depressed about being single.  Enough Said.
12.)  Plan Goals for Yourself and plan goals for your marriage...I am sure you can all tell I am a planner:)
13.) Budget- stay out of too much debt.  Just call me Lana Ramsey- or child of Billy Wilson, but it is true- live poor now, and be rich later.  I do not want to have tons of debt when I marry... so I am trying to be smart now- it will save you from stress and unhappiness!
14.)  Some people might say to learn how to cook, and practice every night.  I say take a break, because you will start doing this 2-3 times a day for the rest of your life once you get married.  If you can read, have been in the kitchen before, and have pinterest and a crock pot- you will be fine.  Take a break.  I make a lot of sandwiches, salads, chicken salad, oatmeal- simple stuff.
15.)  Hang out with your married friends... single people- they want to hang out still (well some)... do not just stop hanging out with them because you are a 3rd wheel- that is silly.  Learn from their marriages, struggles... see how REAL marriage really is.  Ask them about it!  I have learned something from all of my married friends...yes, I do watch you- no pressure:)
16.)   Buy home decor now (not saying to go hello kitty crazy on them), but just buy what you want.  A friend once told me that her husband is so cheap that he did not want to throw out her stuff...Bingo- she wins.  Some guys really care about I have taken this one to heart.  Ha.
17.) Volunteer- Anywhere!  Being a teacher I get many opportunities to serve with my students and it is so rewarding.
18.)  Pick a Job you LOVE- this should have been super high on the list.  Some of you might be in high school or in college, but just know that the career you choose is sort of a big deal.  Sorry- some of you may be stressed about this decision.  Think about your strengths and what you love to do... follow that route!
19.) Learn from every boyfriend-  You can learn a lesson from every situation- good or bad.  Even if you think it was all on that person, really think about what you could have done differently.
20.)  Get a Pet?  I am not the biggest animal fan, but I know a lot of people go out and get you that cute little annoying puppy or fish.  Notice how I did not say kitten- cats make me angry.
21.)  Get a Bike.  You feel cool and independent on it- hope it has a bell... you feel even cooler with a bell.
22.) Do not take other people's opinions to heart (at times)- some people really do try to help by saying that you are "too picky", " too this, too that."  You know yourself well enough.  Go with your gut, and try not to get too annoyed when people say you are "too picky," or "why don't you date that person...the one that I would never date myself, but you would be great together!"  Set your standards high but know that no one is perfect.
23.)  It is SO easy to say to yourself...what is wrong with me.  Do not go there- I did about a year ago, and it was pathetic and not very becoming of me.  Instead of thinking what is wrong with me, think how can I improve myself for the person God has waiting for me.  What are your strengths and weaknesses?  How can you improve both?
24.)  Get a Mom or Mom-like figure in your life.  They think you deserve the best, so their opinions on guys and you are usually spot on.  Getting to cry to them is a bonus... they will make you feel better.
25.)  Love yourself and be happy on your own before getting into a relationship!

Closing Thoughts

Once again... I do not mean to offend anyone!  I want to make you think, laugh, and improve.  I am not an expert at all of these things by no means, but I know that these things make me happy when I put my all in them.  Remember:  You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important.  Don't let loneliness/ the devil get you down and thinking that you are not!  Girls... the devil knows he can work it in the boy sadness department.  Show him by leaning on God's attention, love, and promises.  He gave you this time of singleness for a reason, so use it wisely!

Books that you might find interesting...

If you want a fun read... this is a great book- It made me laugh.  I even have my students in Human, Growth and Development read a chapter just to show how different guys and girls are wired :)  They love it reading and discussing it!

This is another book that I recommend everyone read!  It will make your relationships (in all categories) so much more fuller if you follow these little guidelines:)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Remix 2: Completed!

Bad news first... I did not get the house- they took the other offer:( It is ok, but I am not going to start looking again until June- no more falling in love with house and getting rejected for me! Time to live like I am poor and SAVE!
Good news... I finished my 2nd remix! I enjoyed it a lot more the second time- way easier! I also discovered a lot of new ways to wear the clothes I have- which is nice. Most of my students did not even know I was doing it. Click on this link to a past post if you are confused about why I am doing the remix.

Day 30

Blazer: H&M/ Shirt: Old Navy/ Scarf: Anthropologie/ Dress: Old Navy/ Boots: Thrifted

Days 1-30

Monday, February 27, 2012

Call me Ethnic

We found the band drum storage room today... Look how ethnic and cool this one is! LOVE it:) Almost done with the remix... almost done- Yay! Oh and for those that I did not get to tell, I made an offer on the super cute cottage house on Friday night, but another offer was put in last night- and we are waiting (which is not my favorite thing). If it is not meant to be, it is not meant to be. God is in control- which is so very nice!

Day 29

Pants: Gap/ Shirt: J. Crew/ Head Wrap: Thrifted/ Shoes: Target

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nervously Laughing

My Problem...
 I have always been one to have uncontrollable giggles at the wrong times. I have gotten in trouble too many times to count in church for doing this. It is a problem that I guess will never go away.  *I was at my Papa's one time with all of my cousins and I ended up getting a spanking for giggling.  The thing is my Papa hates giggling, and we were at the dinner table giggling- BIG no no, and I had a towel on my head... so everyone else started laughing because my towel was shaking.  So papa said we can either all get spankings or not swim that night.  So OF COURSE we all took spankings- we were obsessed with swimming.  I received the hardest one. *  Good Times!
Many people will not even sit by me in fear of laughing. I have discovered that it is in my genes. I cannot help it- my gran, mom, and I all do it. A few weeks ago my mom and I could not stop giggling/shaking because my stomach was was going crazy in church. We are not bad Christians, or not taking church seriously... We just have can't help it- it can be embarrassing. So beware if you sit by me in a place that we need to be quiet- I cannot control what I do or how I act.  I know there are more of you out there... somewhere.

Day 28

Dress: Marshalls/ Sweater: Urban Ourfitters/ Scarf: Buffalo Exchange/ Hat: Urban Outfitters/ Boots: Thrifted 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bad with Numbers- Day 27- For Real.

I have noticed that I keep messing up on my day numbers. Some of you detailed people probably already picked up on my craziness:). This is day 27 and I am still doing pretty good with the remix. I remember my first remix being a roller coaster of difficulty, but this one was a breeze!

I am Loving this spring weather today- perfect day for Mrs. Campos' funeral. The day was lovely, and happy- like her. I saw wonderful friends like Denise- a precious long time friend- long... long... time ( shout out- I know you are reading this:)). Then I was blessed to see pretty much all of my grade school teachers and principals. To some that might be a nightmare, but not for me- I loved seeing them all and catching up. It was like a really hard game of memory to remember their names and what they taught. Most of them are retiring, which is weird cause I still feel like they are too young! It will be cool to retire young like that, if I can. Then I went with mom and Candice to a few antique stores, which is always a good time. Another thing we love to do is drive around a look at houses... We are dorks like that. Hope you are enjoying this BeAuTiful day!

DAY 27

Blazer: Urban Outfitters/Shirt: Old Navy/ Jeans: Forever 21/ Shoes: Buffalo Exchange (Illegal shoe insertion...tired of wearing my brown boots with everything:))

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 26- Cold Again

 You know someone is from Texas when they have a permanent red nose for blowing it during the crazy winter months.  It's 90 one day, 40 the next... since I am a "spontaneous" person... I like the changes, haha.  Look at me talking about the weather on a post... have I become that Lame person?  Snap out of it Lana!  I am heading to Waco this weekend again, going to Mrs. Campos' funeral... it will be good to see old friends.  Have a safe Friday friends!

Day 26

              Scarf: Ross/ Sweater: Anthropologie/ Shirt: Forever 21/ Jeans: Forever 21/ Boots: Thrifted

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Little Bird

Not sure why we never thought of this spot!  We call this the "Bird Cage."  We have two of them at the school... there is no way to escape in these babies.  Our school is very large... I will show you a picture.  It is like 1000 times the size of the school I went to.  When I started working here I was in awe...thought it was the coolest school ever.

DAY 25

Shirt: Old Navy/ Skirt: Buffalo Exchange- J.crew/ Boots: Vintage/ Necklaces: mainly vintage (pink- anthro, blue- dillards) /  NO TIGHTS- my legs are just that white:)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Favorite Teacher in the World

This book I made sits under my coffee table... I find it funny- I was blunt even at a young age (5th grade).  This book is special for a lot of reasons, but what makes it REALLY special is the teacher that made me write it.  The teacher that brought it to my Mom last year- thinking she would find it sweet- yes, she one of those teachers.  

There are teachers who are just there to get by, there are teachers who are fun- but don't teach you anything, there are teachers who are on power trips, and then there are teachers who CARE, EDUCATE, and INSPIRE at the same time.  She taught us more than just English, but how to feel like a family, share feelings, treasure moments, encourage, laugh, and LOVE!  She has influenced me and my teaching career more than she knows- I told her that too a while back at the Quads graduation party- yes she came to our house- because she cares.  

The main thing I remember about her class was the birthday book- being a summer- Aug 5th birthday...I never got the attention I thought I deserved at school- haha...still having problems dealing with that.  BUT she would have us all write a journal entry explaining why our classmate was special and unique- and bind it and put it in a pretty little birthday book  for us.  Making a child feel special like that, is better than any lecture.  I still have my book.  I think everyone still has that book- All 800 (threw a number out...I am sure it is more), etc. students that she has touched.  I do a different variation of that activity with my students every Friday.  It is amazing what kind words from peers can do for a kid!  Even my "toughest" kids remind me that it is Friday and time to do the sheet.  Such a great idea, that she never stopped doing for us.

My siblings and I all went to school in Lorena, Texas (all 12 grades)- Loved it!  It is a 3A district- graduated with 114- small school.  We all were blessed to have Mrs. Campos for a teacher- she was all of our favorites.  After 5th grade, we saw her around... her influence and words of encouragement did not stop after we went to 6th.  Yes, a teacher can make a difference and change lives- that is why teaching is all worth it for me.  So blessed to have such a wonderful example- She will forever inspire me to be THAT kind of teacher!  I love you Mrs. Campos!

p.s.  Even if you are not a "certified teacher," you are a teacher to someone.  Never discount the affects of encouragement and love.

Happy Birthday Jules!

Happy Birthday Shout Out:  Julie Smith, I hope you have the best day!  You are one of my most precious  pretty friends, and I am so glad we got close in Wichita Falls- America's Next Top Model Marathons and all:)  I find it funny to be with you and Cullen during most of your life changing events, but I feel that is where I should be- I feel at home with you both.  Your help and love over the years has helped me more than you know!  Your kindness, love for your family, and REAL interest in many peoples lives is really encouraging to many.  Out of all my friends, your southern accent is my favorite!  You always make me feel loved, and I hope you feel loved on your special day!  I cannot wait to spend some time with you and the girls REAL soon!!! I love you Jules.

Her twin girls are the cutest things EVER!

Yeee hawww!  Feeling a little Texan today...which I like:)  Only 5 more days... it has actually not been that bad, and I am discovering lots of different ways to layer and wear my clothes...which is the point I guess.

Day 25

Shirt: J. Crew/ Boots: Thrifted/ Dress: Old Navy/ Socks: Urban Outfitters

 Dress was flying up... whoops!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Here come the Layers...

The longer I am in the remix, the more I start to layer in weird ways. Today, I am wearing a dress underneath this shirt. I am sure it will happen a few more times- since I am getting down to the end:) Have a great day!!!

Day 23

                        Dress: T.J. Maxx/ Shirt: Buffalo Exchange/ Pink Tights: Target/ Shoes: Target

Monday, February 20, 2012

Quit Playing Games with my Heart... House

Some people love looking for houses, but I just find it stressful and anxiety filled, especially since I am doing this on my own.  I am not a risk taker, and the thought of an expensive inspection, someone else getting it before me, and all the risks involved makes me want to barf.  Dramatic, maybe... but I do not throw down 100,000 everyday.  Today I probably made the mistake of looking at the cutest house ever, when my lease is up in September (totally going tomorrow to see if I can talk them into letting me break it without 1 million dollars in fees).  My goal was to find a house and move in during August...  but It will for sure be gone by was made for me.  I got some advice from a few "house buying experts" and they told me to never fall in love with a house.  WELP too late- done it.  Some of you might look below and think, wow...that is your dream house???  Here are some of my "dream houses," pinterest style:)

LOVE LOVE LOVE, this porch and style- precious.  

Notice how I love small homes- not a fan of big cookie cutter ones, but old cottage ones.  Problem is, in a town like Keller, Texas there are about 15 actual old is a pretty new suburb.  I think that is why I am attracted to the home below.  I love the location, houses around it, and how cute and unique it is inside.  I am doomed... I fall in love too fast.  This ole heart cant take this...and it is my first round.  The other two homes were o.k., but the neighborhoods were unsafe feeling, had weird smells, and they were just blah.  I am not a blah fan or a fan of pungent odors.  This home is super small- 1,090 sq. feet- 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, dining, living, galley kitchen, awesome back porch with swing, shed, but would be SO perfect for me!  It is pale yellow if you cannot tell...adorable.  I asked him if I could meet her that way I could make her wait, and see that I will be the perfect person for her house...but he said that was weird.  From the pictures in her house, she is an old christian lady...I would be a shoe in- I must meet her! 

I will keep you updated.... xoxo- Lana...Girl who is about to be on an emotional roller coaster

Sugar Glider

So I liked this shirt, until my so called "teacher guy friends" asked if I was wearing a poncho. Then a few of them said I looked like a sugar glider. They ALWAYS have something to say about what I wear- but then they went on to tell me that they like my fashion, even though they bash it daily. They, like many, like to get a rise out of me...which they know will happen after commenting on my clothes or joking about me being home schooled (which I was not).

DAY 22

Shirt: Buffalo Exchange/ Pants: Gap/ Shoes: Target/ Earrings: Buffalo Exchange/ Watch: Dillards/ Bracelets: Mom and Paris

Sugar Glider???

Ok...let me explain this one.  Haha, meet Jay the Art Teacher!  He is crazy...keeps me laughing.  We were doing the Titanic- Jack/Rose Scene.  Yes, he is one of the ones that says something about my outfits daily.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mad Hatter Tea Party

On Saturday I went to the cutest baby shower, and the theme was Mad Hatter Tea Party.  The shower was for Marissa Edwards and her little girl- Evangeline.  I know a few people who happen to be the best party planners on the planet- Rebecca Ballard and Brandi Ballard.  Rebecca lives in Tyler and has Canton at her fingertips.  She makes anything look fabulous and brings so much joy to hundreds with her crafty amazing talents.  Not only does she help throw one million weddings and showers, but can sew better than anyone I know.  She made my mom's wedding dress!  She also makes slipcovers, bags, bedding- everything.  Brandi married her son Bradley and always thinks about every detail.  She is awesome in making invitations/stationary of all kinds!  I will give you her email/website if you are interested:)  Brandi has a heart of gold and the heart to serve.  She makes everyone feel good about themselves.  I look up to her so much, because she makes me work harder, serve others and use my talents that God gave me.  Everyone needs a Brandi in their lives:)

 Marissa and Evie:)

 Brandi, Marissa, and Rebecca- The ones who put it all together!

My gift- I want the coat in my size!