Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Remix 2: Completed!

Bad news first... I did not get the house- they took the other offer:( It is ok, but I am not going to start looking again until June- no more falling in love with house and getting rejected for me! Time to live like I am poor and SAVE!
Good news... I finished my 2nd remix! I enjoyed it a lot more the second time- way easier! I also discovered a lot of new ways to wear the clothes I have- which is nice. Most of my students did not even know I was doing it.

http://misslanawilson.blogspot.com/2011/09/30-for-30-remix-yep-it-has-been-while.html- Click on this link to a past post if you are confused about why I am doing the remix.

Day 30

Blazer: H&M/ Shirt: Old Navy/ Scarf: Anthropologie/ Dress: Old Navy/ Boots: Thrifted

Days 1-30

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