Sunday, May 20, 2012

Baseball and RST

I took some of my Ready, Set, Teach students to a Ranger game...they lost, but we had fun:)  My kids are so cute!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Is it prom time again??


You would think that prom would get old, but for me it only gets more fun.  I scattered a few pictures of the HUGE room that I will be in charge of next year- a little overwhelming, but I know my friends will help me out.  The guy in the top picture will be the senior class sponsor with me- he has been lots of help so far!  Sorry for the awful quality of these pictures, but lasers, darkness, and smoke do not like iphone cameras.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


You all know I love my Momma more than anything.  Pamela Joy, you have my whole heart!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Things I miss/treasure

I was looking at some of my pictures and thought...Wow I miss these people, places, or memories.  So blessed to have so many wonderful memories and people in my life!  This might be made into a few posts. Too many pictures! 

I miss my Grandad- such a sweet man.

I miss living with these two.

HAHA- I miss these funny parties!  Confessionals, dancing, games, laughing- miss it.

I miss roadtrips with this one.

I miss getting my eyelashes dyed. Ha.

I miss Africa!  The sunsets, stars, these boys, and those hugs!

I miss random concerts with this one...oh and living together :)

I miss random band photo shoots with Alisha.  And random opportunities to flirt with band boys.

I miss this beach- Nice, France.  I do not miss the old ladies in the nude.

I miss this dessert and uncomfortable poetry slams.

I miss students like these- my first year of teaching.  I could post 100 pictures of different kids... but that would take a while!

I miss camping, the Watts, fearing death riding with Loren on the 4-wheeler, watching Brittany flip 1000 times in the river, throwing up in the parking lot while everyone is laughing at me, Mississippi.

I miss moving 100 times and making loved ones work hard- ha NOT!  Hate moving... done it toooo many times.

I miss summer concerts like these- coldplay.... confetti- amazing.

I miss looking at this view- Lake Tahoe

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Where Oh Where to Live...

Here is a map of DFW...duh.  Right now I live in an apartment in Keller, but I am wanting to buy a house this summer under $115,000.  I started looking for a house back in March or so, but it did not work out for me, so I am at it again!  Buying a house is somewhat annoying, especially with today's market being the way it is.  Yes, the rates are low right now, but there is not much out there for sale.  My realtor is like ummm hopefully something will start to show up for you.  I think more houses will come on the market being that school is about to end- I hope.  Buying a house is sort of permanent, which scares me... my single friends think I am a little crazy for buying a house, but most think it is a good investment for me right now.  I mean I have lived in apartments for 7 years now- SO tired of throwing my money away!  I do love the one I am in, but I think it is time!  So, here is a map of DFW and I am looking in a few select areas: North Keller, Roanoke, Grapevine, maybe Euless, and maybe around Justin.  Of course all of these areas, except Euless are really expensive... but I still want to look in them.  

I have been looking at Zillow, Truilia for listings... have a look yourself if you want to see what I am working with... because it is not much!  Let me know if you find anything for me:)  There was really no point of this post besides letting you know the areas I am looking in... any suggestions, comments, concerns?  

Monday, May 7, 2012

My version of what my 20's have taught me...

So even though I have a few years left in the 20's... I feel like I have learned lots.  I am actually 26, will be 27 August 5th.  27 seems A LOT older than 26.... it does right?    Moving out of Lorena, living in Denton, Euless, and Keller, facing my fears, graduating college, rooming with friends, paying bills, traveling around the world, losing loved ones, experiencing weddings, babies, relationships, living on my own, and being responsible for over 400 children over the years have all shaped me during my 20's.
Anyways... I posted what another blogger girl said about the things she learned during her 20's and I think I am going to do my own version- even though hers was pretty great (of course my version is more wordy).  So here I go...

What Lana Has Learned in Her 20's... So Far:)

1.)  Surround yourself with friends and family who make you a better person.
2.)  Journal, Reflect, Document- it helps and will be fun years from now!
3.)  Don't worry about the number of friends you have - quality over quantity.
4.)  Be confident in a humble way- others will respect it.
5.)  Speak up for what you want or do not want!  I used to have a hard time with this, because I am a people pleaser, but I learned what my boundaries are.... kind of :)
6.)  Things that scare you- are normally good for you.
7.)  Be your own quirky, silly self... yes, some people might make fun of you- but who cares!
8.)  Sometimes you have to completely cut people out of your life... especially if they cause you heartache after heartache or trouble in general.  I am not saying be mean, just don't let them drag you down too- cause that is usually what they want to do.
9.)  Every person deserves a chance and SMILE.
10.) Always try your hardest- it will pay off... EVEN when everyone around you is slacking.  People and God with notice and respect your for it.
11.)  You will always feel better after doing something nice for someone.
12.)  Forgive others easily.
13.)  Comparison is the thief of Joy.
14.)  Ask for help when you need it- you can't do everything on your own!
15.)  It is all about who you know... so figure out what you want to do career wise and start making connections!
16.)  Always try to be a good example/ role model- people watch you whether you want that or not.
17.)  Travel!  Like I have said before, book the ticket and then you have to go:)
18.)  Take Pictures!  Document important life moments.
19.)  An encouraging letter goes a LONG way.
20.)  Sometimes it is best to just be quiet and listen.
21.)  Be happy for others, not bitter.
22.)  Do not have a lot of credit cards- especially in your 20's!  Go to Dave
23.)  Be positive even when everyone around you is negative.  Being negative about life does not make you a happy person.
24.)  Learn to love peoples differences.
25.)  Sometimes friends/family members have to learn things for themselves- even if it is not the way you would do things or want them to do things.  You just have to pray, encourage them, and let God handle it.
26.)  GIVE UP CONTROL- Have faith.
27.) Sometimes a problem can be fixed with a bar of chocolate and a new item of clothing.
28.) Nap time is necessary for adults too.
29.) What you turn your nose up at will inevitably be something you must personally face.

There you go folks!  I am sure I am missing some of the big life lessons that I have learned in my 20's but that is all I got for now:)

What have you or did you learn in your 20's???  I wanna know!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What my 20's have taught me...

Found this on the internet...loved it- agreed with it.
Happy Saturday:)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nana Pudding

I know everyone knows how to make Banana Pudding, but I just wanted to share my Mom's SUPER easy recipe.  I LOVE it... and I do not like many banana puddings.  I never write down the recipe so I have to call her every single time.  I know she loves that.  People always comment on the way I eat pudding... not sure what I do, but they just stare.

Here are the ingredients... Bananas (4), Vanilla (1 teaspoon), Cool Whip (Large Container), Milk (2 cups), Vanilla Instant Pudding (Large), Box of Vanilla Wafers

1.)  Mix the Vanilla, Pudding, and Milk together with a whisk and let sit for like 5 minutes.

2.)  Now fold in the Cool Whip.

3.)  Cut up yo Nana's

4.) Get a fancy bowl and start your layers of pudding, vanilla wafers, and bananas.

5.) TA DA!  So easy.  IMPORTANT PART: Refrigerate over night- the wafers turn the perfect texture overnight.  That is KEY!

Enjoy!  I have for years:)  I have fought many battles getting seconds over the years.  I have also been ridiculed while eating this NUMEROUS times ... but that does not stop me.  Nothing will.