Sunday, May 16, 2010


So I have set up a little blog to keep you informed when I go to Zambia, Africa. I mainly wanted to set this up to use as my own personal journal, to keep track of my experiences. I am very excited to see what God has in store for me! I have already received my immunizations- all 4 of them, and did not cry or pass out! If you know me, you know this is a HUGE accomplishment! I leave for Zambia June 24 and Lord willing, I will return July 13th. I am sort of dreading the 28- 36 hour flight- but it will be all worth it:)

A few of you might not know what I am doing in Lusaka, Africa this summer....let me fill ya in! I am staying with the Permenter's for 3-4 weeks (not sure yet on the exact amount of time). They have 6 orphan kids that live with them, and I am sooo excited to meet them! I will be leading a 2-week English workshop in their village. Yes, I am a teacher, No, I have no ESL experience- Yes, I need prayers! I am very excited about this experience, and welcome any advice or activities I could use! I will also get to visit a few orphanages and go to school with the kids to observe their education practices, visit Victoria Falls, go to a game park, and experience a 4th of July Church Revival.

I gave this blog site to all of my students, so if you are one of my students...hi:) Keep visiting my blog after June 24th, and I will put up pictures of the children with your books and jewelry- they will love them! Many of my students donated jewelry (for the orphan girls), children's books, and spirals to use in the workshop. I have some of the best kids in the world and I hope my experience might spark their interests to travel and help worldwide.

Please keep me in your prayers and encourage me along the way. I am beyond excited about this trip. I have dreamed about working in Africa for years and I cannot wait for this life-changing experience! I hope that I will have time and the technology to post often...Yes, I will be taking MANY pictures. I wonder how much weight I will lose? I know I will want to take home a few children... Well, that is enough for now... Love you all!

Lana or Miss. Wilson :)