Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fun Assignment...So I did it too!


I assigned this today... and I had to do one myself!  So fun:)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Summer Goals

So I was journaling by the pool... like 30 minutes ago enjoying this wonderful spring/ no bug weather and thought to myself- I need to make some goals for my summer.  This summer I will be suffering from "Wanderlust," if you will.  That is my new favorite word.  I will be buying a house in August, Lord willing, and so I will not get to go on any big trips:(  I know, I know... I have totally been blessed to have the opportunities of traveling to awesome places the past two years, but this summer- it is grow up time.  I plan to go a few places and spend time with a few of my for those who know me, you know that I will still be going going going all summer, but the excitement of experiencing something totally new will not get to happen this summer.  So I will just pick up a few nanny jobs here and there, try not to spend money, and save for the house.  If I am going to have free time that I normally do not have in my summers then I must be productive!  So here are my 2012 Summer Goals:

- Find a house!
- Paint old Furniture for the house.
- Keep Exercising and Eating Healthy- must not turn into a lazy cow.
- Sew!  Maybe take a class so I can know more for my students?
- Improve my Course Curriculum.
- Learn Photographyish stuff.
- Go to California.
-Random Weekend Trip- to somewhere I have never been?
- Vacation with my Family
-Attend a Concert.
-Visit Friends and Family.
-Read more!
-Go to the Lake.
- Art Museam
-NOT shop like crazy.
-NOT die of heat exhaustion in Texas.
- Get a tan?  You are right...I am pushing it.
-Have a Birthday has been years!  I am feeling 27 is a good year to have one:)
- Eat 1 million snow cones without gaining weight.

Do you have any summer goals?  Any suggestions for me and my goals???  I must think of more... some of those are lame.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Super Mom: Part 2

Discipline- what were your methods?Discipline- A stern look, a few swats on the behind, time out, taking away things or privileges were a few of our methods. The least amount of drama necessary to result in good behavior was always a goal. The punishment depended on what had been done. Time out worked really well when they were little because, strangely enough, they hated to be separated from each other. Naturally, as the 6 were older, taking away privileges and lots of "talking" (I don't like the word lecture-even though that's what the kids would call it) became the method of choice. And pray, pray, pray! Billy and I try to be on the same page with discipline and back each other. Possibly the hardest thing with several kids is consistency-going through with what we say. Sometimes in the busyness of life we would forget, for instance that someone was grounded. Funny, they wouldn't bother to remind us either! We might remember a week later....and they'd smile. Busted!

Money Issues- how do you budget with a big family?
Budgeting- We don't live beyond our means --if we don't have it, we don't spend it. When we built our home 29 years ago, we budgeted for one salary. I I knew I wanted to stay home once we had children (who would have thought 6?) so we did not buy a house that would require both of our paychecks to pay the mortgage. We buy used cars (except the 12 passenger van we had for 10 years when the quads were 5-15 yrs old and Billy's Toyota 4-runner that the girls now drive). We eat out as a family only when we are traveling or for special occasions, like birthdays. And we always order water to drink--think of the hundreds of dollars we have saved over the years! ha These days if we just have one or two children with us and we go somewhere to eat it feels special, almost like Buddy Day again. We still treasure those one-on-one times. (At least I'm speaking for myself. I hope they feel the same.) I remember when the quads were little, we would have total strangers come up to us and ask, "How are you going to afford 4 cars and 4 in college at the same time?" To which I would reply, "God has taken care of us so far and He will continue to". Yes He has. In answer to the question, it's called - used cars, jobs, scholarships, grants, and student loans. When the 4 were born, we were so blessed to have friends who, without us even knowing, got stores to donate double strollers, car seats, and other baby items. Others knew folks at the local diaper plant who then donated diapers for a year, baby food; and a huge expense-formula-was donated by the pharmaceutical rep who called on the family medicine clinic where I had worked sorta part-time at the beginning of my pregnancy. It was amazing how the Church and community rallied around us-how humbled and blessed we felt! The expression "it takes a village" is totally understood and appreciated.

Who was first to walk, talk, smile, crawl?

 Little Candice was the first to walk at 9 months- even though she was only 4 lbs. when we brought them home from the hospital. She was like a monkey-climbing on everything! Lexi was the first to talk-could she then and can she now!! She inspected everything and would jabber her head off! Grant was the first to laugh. I remember exactly when it happened. An elderly lady came to see the quads with my aunt. (Honestly I don't even remember exactly who she was. People came through our house like it was a freak show or circus or something. I was too exhausted at the time to have an opinion about it.) I do recall she was very likable and evidently Grant thought so. She was holding him and talking to him and he came out with this gut-busting laugh. He has been charming folks with a wink and a smile ever since! Austin was the first to crawl. Also our music man. Music was the one thing to calm him as a baby. No surprise he was in drumline for 5 years. I will stick to Lana's questions. But I would not be complete without mentioning the precious qualities of older sisters Lana and Cassie. They were awesome! I get emotional just thinking back to how challenging it was to show enough love to all of them and especially these 2, and thinking that others would not give Lana and Cassie enough attention. But you know what? Everyone was great--and very sensitive to their needs. It has taught me to think of that older sibling when a new baby comes along. They need love too :) I will speak of Cassie and Lana more --2 questions from now.

Friday, March 23, 2012

A few videos of people I love...

Let me start with... I AM SO TIRED.
Happy Friday:)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Super Mom

My Mom, Pam, is sort of famous in a lot of people's eyes... I think it has something to do with her giving birth to quadruplets after having Cassie and I already.  Many people, especially my friends who have new babies, always ask me how my Mom did it with 4 at once.  Because I was 6 when they were born...I cannot remember how she did it.  All I remember was lots of crying, laughing, feeding, and cleaning up toys.  My Mom has always been a very organized person- so that is a big factor at her being an awesome supermom.  She also had my Dad to help her out- he is amazing and is always so willing to clean, cook, and help with anything.  A few people have told her to write a book... but I am going to sort of do it for her- in blog form.  I use this blog as a journal/diary.. and so this is a special post for me.  If you have any other questions you want answered... comment below and I will get the answer for you!  I asked her more questions than this, but she is somewhat of a perfectionist and busy (imagine that) these took her a while:) 

What was the hardest part of raising 6?  What was the most rewarding part of raising 6?  Hardest- giving your undivided time and attention to each.  Most rewarding-everything!  Celebrating and appreciating the differences and gifts of each child, and remembering to verbalize this when they need to hear it.

What was the scariest thing about having quads?  

Fear of the unknown.  When the doctors told us there were 4, I didn't even know anyone with triplets.   Thoughts such as "Would I survive?  Would the babies survive?  Would they be born with physical or mental challenges?" entered our minds.  I immediately asked if there was a "Quad Hotline" to call, but my doctor did connect me with a mother of triplets in our area who became my automatic BFF.  Had she not been totally positive and upbeat this would not have worked.   (The last thing you need in this situation is negativity.)  Along with the positive encouragement of my multiple mom friend, we knew we had the best doctors and neonatal facilities in the area.  That's huge!  But most important was the faith that God would take care of us no matter what the outcome, and the fact that Christians around the world were praying for us.

What was their sleep routine?  

They slept through the night at about 4 months old -I'm talking 12PM-6AM.  As infants the 4 went to bed when we did-this doesn't work for everyone.  It did for us.  They stopped taking afternoon naps at age 2.  Some sleepy, some not.  It was not worth the effort. The good thing- there was no trouble getting them to sleep at night . Lana and Cassie did not need 4 toddlers energized and ready to stay up till midnight!  (Lana was 6 and Cassie 4 years old when the quads were born.)

Describe the Fertility drug process- how did you get pregnant with quads?  

When we were ready to have our third child, my OB doctor determined that I was not ovulating and suggested that I see a fertility specialist who put me on the lowest dose of the mildest fertility drug at the time-Clomid.  After one "round"...5-7 pills (can't remember) I was pregnant with 4.  The rest is history!  Supposedly, Clomid could increase your chances of twins by 10%.  We were told when they were born in 1991 that 1 out of 729,000 births resulted in quadruplets. All I can say about that is it was meant to be, and we thank God for His blessings! :)

How did you give enough love to all of the kids?  

Hugh challenge--still is.  Billy and I looked for ways to spend one-on-one time with each child.  When the quads were 4 or 5, I would send 3 of them to Mother's Day Out one day a week and keep one with me.   (This was during the day when the older girls were in school.)  I rotated who of the 4 would stay with me as the others were there.  We would go to McDonald's or to the store.  They thought anything was fun-just spending special time with Mom.  That whole week would be "their" week at home when L & C were at school.  This meant they could make the decisions for the 4 of them-which Disney movie to watch, elevator button pusher, etc.  It was quite empowering to them!  Billy also had a rotating Buddy Day with each of the 6 when his busy home schedule allowed it.  How excited were they when their turn came around!
What was the easiest way to feed the quads?  
When they were in high chairs and no one was sick, I would feed them oats with bananas a lot of times for breakfast.  I put it in a big bowl and went down the row.  They opened their mouths like little birds when it was almost their turn.  They love to hear that story :)  There was no need at that age to give them their own bowl, unless you're ready to give 4 baths.   Finger foods were easy.

*To be continued...she still has more to answer:) *

These pictures are some of my favorites... The bigger picture was the first time I got to hold the quads (they were in the hospital for a month), it was actually a press conference... in 1991 quads were very uncommon.  I am holding Austin in the right top corner.  The bottom picture I have in my bathroom... we ran to hug and kiss the quads- it was when they were getting out of the hospital- same day as the press conference.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

So...I like Children, Especially Multiples:)

Like I have mentioned before, my mom had quadruplets, and so twins and triplets always fascinate me.  Alisha and I got to spend 4 days with these sweet girls.  Charley Anne and Georgia are so precious and full of southern hi's, cute clothes, big lips, awesome hair, and the sweetest parents in the world.  We loved spending so much time with them!  Yes, I took a lot of pictures...but who could not of these two?!?  We also got to spend time with Jojo and her sweet boys.  Her new one- Jett is precious and smiles all the time!  I never realized how many diapers, bottles, and clothes you change throughout the day.  I should know because of my Mom and the quads but I was 7 and do not remember much.  Anyways, I hope these pictures make you smile:)  Hope you did not get flooded this morning or last night! 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Break- Part 1

These boys were a lot of fun!  Hudson loved making silly faces with my phone- he is a hilarious/energy-filled boy!  Marshall- the little smiley one, was so sweet and fun to cuddle with.

Went to the Dallas Arboretum to help Alisha with a photo shoot.  I never mind going there during spring break- it is beautiful!  She got some great pictures of Trace, Kaylie, and Ellie.

Then we headed down to see my great friend Carli... lets just say she lives on a quaint little farm in Tyler:)  Britches, her goat, got out.  I love her decorating style- she says she needs me to help her- but she has got it down and perfected.  Her super cute farm house/cottage has so many unique furniture pieces.  She does have the advantage of living close to Canton and having a super creative mother-in-law who loves to shop at Canton.  Carli is cracking me up with her pregnancy issues.  She gets sick from smells (which I KNOW that I will do- I pretty much have the most sensitive nose in the world).  We helped dig out something smelly in her frig (she is a very clean person- it just smelled to her) -she had thrown up from the smell a few days before... so we thought we would help a girl out.  Anyways we had fun relaxing:)  Love my Carli- can't wait to see her as a Mommy- she will be great!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

On the Road...

Be back in a few days!