Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 18: Prep

Today grades need to be turned in...which means every student is suddenly concerned about their grades. Their sweet little faces of concern always make me smile and not feel sorry for them at all. I guess that makes me a bad teacher?
So today we decided to do corny yearbook picture poses...

I bought this book at Anthropologie last night and it is the cutest thing! I can actually use it for my fashion classes too! I would suggest it for anyone who likes to color, create, or design... you can find it on amazon. Click and it will take you to the page where it is sold for $12.00. The book is for ages 8 and up...I love it!

I am very excited to spend time with my family in Oklahoma this weekend! I hope you do something fun with the people you love too:)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 17: H&M Day

Morning! So today my picture was shot in front of all of my lovely Ready, Set, Teach that explains my awkward faces..especially my embarrassed shot at the bottom-haha. Why is getting your picture taken in front of people so hard? The middle picture is me with my RST students who are doing the 30 for 30 remix!

Welcome to my classroom... I sort of love it. I really love the apple that I am holding, because it has signatures from of all of my 1st year kids- which means a lot to me. There is something about your 1st year kids and memories that stay with you forever. I had to deal with hard situations my first year, but I had so many good and fun memories that outweighed those! Every year I have my students sign something...they like it, and I like it.

So the high today is 99, I mean who doesn't wear a blazer when it is 99 degrees outside? I had to fit this blazer in the remix...I LOVE it. The European style totally rubbed off on me this summer. I kept seeing girls in London, France, and Italy with this style. I know you might be thinking that the balloon pants are a little too much, too 80's, too weird...but I like it, and it is so comfortable!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 16: Crazy Day

I would never do this normally, but I have to do something to distract you from my repeated clothes:) Hopefully the scarf is a huge distraction- haha...mission accomplished. Happy Wednesday!

Shirt: Old Navy/ Scarf: Thrifted/ Belt: Who Know/Shoes: Target/ Pants: Gap
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 15: The end is in sight...

I really look like a teacher today. I am really getting tired of my shoes.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 14: Boots are Back in Town

2 confessions:

1.) I switched out the brown wedges for my boots- had to do it. It was time. They are my favorite boots...and I bought them for $25 dollars at a thrift store- Best buy of my life. When I picked my 30 items it was about 103 it was hard putting boots and jackets into the mix. I told myself going into this that I would switch in the boots- I guess I am cheating- you caught me.

2.) I bought something. I told myself I would not shop- I guess 14 days was my limit. I bought the shirt you see- at Old Navy. I am going to blame this on another shopper that walked by me and said "You have to get that- it looks good with your eyes." I promise I do not take drugs if people say they look good with my eyes:)

Shirt: Old Navy/ Skirt: J.Crew/ Boots: Thrifted/ Belt: Anthropologie

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 13: Squints

This is the part, where remixing will get complicated...I feel like I have been doing this for 5 years. 30 days is a very long time, annoyingly long. Today I made a jacket thing into a shirt with the belt- I like the way it turned out! I never would have thought of doing that...but the remix makes you think outside the box. So I had an issue squinting today...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 12: Nursing Home Fun

I had a lot of fun today with my Mom and Gran. First of all my Mom is looking great- and yes, her eyes are really that blue. Gran was looking pretty today too... she had a 90th birthday party to go to- so she got all dolled up. My Gran has always had good fashion sense- I get a lot of jewelry, and fabric from this lady. She worked for a long time at a department store called Stripling and Cox- in the men's department. I love looking through her pictures, because her style was awesome! I am thankful for some of the things she hoarded- like her old fabric, lace, jewelry, and hats. Hoarding can come in handy at times. I also got to spend time with my sisters tonight- which is always lovely:)

Yep, I wore the same pants two days in a row... I KNOW I am not the only not judge.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 11: Fun Friday

It's Friday, Friday... the song in your head now?:)  Every Friday all of my students are super hyper and crazy and I am always really sleepy and somewhat moody- It is like their energy sucks up my energy.  It is a vicious cycle.  They win.

Natalie accidentally was in the black and white camera mode- haha.

We look 12 years old in this picture...We were looking in the magic mirror that makes you look skinny.

Not sure what animal I am...use your imagination.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 10: Necklace Face

Soooo I might have overdone it with the necklaces, but I think you can do that with turquoise for some reason. As you can tell from my 1st 10 days I love the chunky jewlry look, over size shirts, and polka dots.



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 9: I am a girly girl.

I like bows, curls, sparkles, and flowers... Yep, I am a girly girl. I always feel so feminine and pretty when I have a bow in my hair- try will too! How I made the bow is super easy! Only 4 simple steps:

1.) Get fabric that you love (I love vintage fabric- so I used some of my Gran's)
2.) Cut the fabric into a wide long strip
3.) Iron the fraying edges in
4.) Tie around your head and tie a bow:)


No we were not playing hide and go seek around the school... I just cannot think of any more poses.

Look at my WONDERFUL students who are also participating in the 30 for 30! I love my kids:)  Some of them are starting soon- and some are going now!  Creativity is so fun to watch.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 8: I promise I work

Well hi. Let me introduce you to Coach Holly. This is what he is doing every time I enter his classroom- repairing something for his Broadcast/Camera class- haha (I forgot the official course title).  He is very kind, funny, and secretly good at do not know that- don't ask him to help you.  Anyways I thought it might be fun to take pictures with random friends/teachers at CHS...spice up the blog a bit:)


Did you laugh?  Haha- Everyday I put up something like this on my projector to make my students smile... Kip won today- kids laughed- mission accomplished.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Uniform Project

Natalie just told me about this project- SO cool- very neat how much she raised to send kids to school:)  I am inspired!

"Uniform Project was born in May 2009, when one girl pledged to wear a Little Black Dress for 365 days as an exercise in sustainable fashion. Designed to also be a fundraiser for the education of underprivileged children in India, the project acquired millions of visitors worldwide and raised over $100k for the cause. U.P then continued into Year 2 with a monthly series of select Pilots taking on the 1-Dress challenge for causes of their choice. Today, women around the world continue to take on the 1 Dress challenge and wear U.P LBDs as an expression of socially conscious fashion."

Check the Video out below:)

Day 7: Do I look 12?

I am feeling a little 70's ish today.  My friend told me I look young and fresh in this dress...then she said I look about 12 years old.  I guess it does make me look young, but I am cool with that:)  Maybe I should use this time to give a shout out to Buffalo Exchange...where I get most of my clothes from.  They buy back clothes...but the are picky (I am thankful they are picky...that way I can easily find awesome stuff for cheap!)  After I shop there I always eat at the cafe right by it- it is so yummy- I want some chicken salad now.

the dallas store

Located here: 3424 Greenville Ave. Dallas, TX 75206

I would never think to button a dress all the way, but I think it looks fun that way.  I got a lot of compliments on my hair today...lesson learned....Do not wash hair- they like it dirty.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fashion Week Love

I saw this and thought...I have to put this up- mainly for my Fashion Students.  I have never been that interested in Fashion Week, but teaching fashion has really opened my eyes to different things.  I mainly love the designers below because of the color combinations- how fun!  I have always been a fan of pale pink, so I love that it is being mixed with bright colors.  Anyways, girls those are my favorites...and Rachel Zoes Line- loved it.

Rachel Zoe- LOVEEEEE That dress!

Day 6: Sunday Best!

I am so thankful to be a child of God, and I am so thankful to worship with such a great group of Christians... you should come to church with me sometime- You would love it:) Right now we are worshipping in a store front in Lewisville because we are in the works of building a that is why I am all dressy in front of a Kroger. I only dress like this when I go grocery shopping, I am sure you do too.

2 things:
1.)  I am very pale, but I have learned to just embrace it...yay me.
2.)  This dress sort of makes me look preggo, but I am cool with it- I love this type of babydoll style dress- forget the rules of fashion and be comfortable!
Dress: H&M/ Shoes: Steve Madden/ Necklace: Gran

I am not trying to do a different hairstyle everyday, but I have so far- I guess I will see how long I can keep that up too!
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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 5: I love Obnoxious Headwraps

Happy Weekend! My weekend has been full of music, friends, family, Zooey Deschanel, baking, and a lovely brunch this morning. I love doing different things with my hair, and so headwraps are always fun:) Yes, the bow it a tad big...everything is bigger in Texas, right?

Shirt: Anthropologie (sale)/Skirt: Anthropologie (sale)/Scarf: Thrift Store/ Shoes: Urban Outfitters
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Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 4: Chanel Day

It is casual day at good ole' CHS, but today I told my Fashion Design girls to wear something Coco Chanel inspired, so I thought I should too. We are watching the movie Coco Chanel this week- (in honor of Fashion Week)... they are liking it!


Look at my cute students in their Coco Chanel inspired clothes- I am blessed this year with such great kids!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 3: Amish?

Well Hello. Day 3 and I really like this one...just gonna admit it. First off let me just say that it took me about 30 minutes to do my Heidi-Swedish Braid today. I tried to get all fancy and do a fishtail braided halo- which took way more time. I got asked today by a male teacher if my family was from around here, so I said- well Waco. He went on to tell me that I look like I am from Pennsylvania (I am thinking he thought I was Amish because of the braid). I do not think I could live without electricity for more than 2 hours. His comment made my day and made me laugh.

Do you like my fancy hand on neck pose- haha... Yes, you are right I just wanted to show off my bracelets, and the fact that I am cultured-haha:)
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