Monday, March 26, 2012

Super Mom: Part 2

Discipline- what were your methods?Discipline- A stern look, a few swats on the behind, time out, taking away things or privileges were a few of our methods. The least amount of drama necessary to result in good behavior was always a goal. The punishment depended on what had been done. Time out worked really well when they were little because, strangely enough, they hated to be separated from each other. Naturally, as the 6 were older, taking away privileges and lots of "talking" (I don't like the word lecture-even though that's what the kids would call it) became the method of choice. And pray, pray, pray! Billy and I try to be on the same page with discipline and back each other. Possibly the hardest thing with several kids is consistency-going through with what we say. Sometimes in the busyness of life we would forget, for instance that someone was grounded. Funny, they wouldn't bother to remind us either! We might remember a week later....and they'd smile. Busted!

Money Issues- how do you budget with a big family?
Budgeting- We don't live beyond our means --if we don't have it, we don't spend it. When we built our home 29 years ago, we budgeted for one salary. I I knew I wanted to stay home once we had children (who would have thought 6?) so we did not buy a house that would require both of our paychecks to pay the mortgage. We buy used cars (except the 12 passenger van we had for 10 years when the quads were 5-15 yrs old and Billy's Toyota 4-runner that the girls now drive). We eat out as a family only when we are traveling or for special occasions, like birthdays. And we always order water to drink--think of the hundreds of dollars we have saved over the years! ha These days if we just have one or two children with us and we go somewhere to eat it feels special, almost like Buddy Day again. We still treasure those one-on-one times. (At least I'm speaking for myself. I hope they feel the same.) I remember when the quads were little, we would have total strangers come up to us and ask, "How are you going to afford 4 cars and 4 in college at the same time?" To which I would reply, "God has taken care of us so far and He will continue to". Yes He has. In answer to the question, it's called - used cars, jobs, scholarships, grants, and student loans. When the 4 were born, we were so blessed to have friends who, without us even knowing, got stores to donate double strollers, car seats, and other baby items. Others knew folks at the local diaper plant who then donated diapers for a year, baby food; and a huge expense-formula-was donated by the pharmaceutical rep who called on the family medicine clinic where I had worked sorta part-time at the beginning of my pregnancy. It was amazing how the Church and community rallied around us-how humbled and blessed we felt! The expression "it takes a village" is totally understood and appreciated.

Who was first to walk, talk, smile, crawl?

 Little Candice was the first to walk at 9 months- even though she was only 4 lbs. when we brought them home from the hospital. She was like a monkey-climbing on everything! Lexi was the first to talk-could she then and can she now!! She inspected everything and would jabber her head off! Grant was the first to laugh. I remember exactly when it happened. An elderly lady came to see the quads with my aunt. (Honestly I don't even remember exactly who she was. People came through our house like it was a freak show or circus or something. I was too exhausted at the time to have an opinion about it.) I do recall she was very likable and evidently Grant thought so. She was holding him and talking to him and he came out with this gut-busting laugh. He has been charming folks with a wink and a smile ever since! Austin was the first to crawl. Also our music man. Music was the one thing to calm him as a baby. No surprise he was in drumline for 5 years. I will stick to Lana's questions. But I would not be complete without mentioning the precious qualities of older sisters Lana and Cassie. They were awesome! I get emotional just thinking back to how challenging it was to show enough love to all of them and especially these 2, and thinking that others would not give Lana and Cassie enough attention. But you know what? Everyone was great--and very sensitive to their needs. It has taught me to think of that older sibling when a new baby comes along. They need love too :) I will speak of Cassie and Lana more --2 questions from now.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are such an amazing family. I love reading all of this, it's so interesting! Keep it coming! Lana, I love you. You are such an amazing woman and I know so much of that is because of how you were raised.
