Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Love of a Single Heart can make a World of Difference

Greetings from Texas!

It is fun to say that now...yes it was only 3 weeks, but it felt like a long time- which is exactly what I wanted! We arrived from London yesterday afternoon, and I am very glad to be back home. The flights went alright, even though we got off to a slightly rough start. It was Sunday afternoon and we decided to check in early...well good thing we looked because we had to fly out Monday Morning- we thought it was Tuesday morning. Right when we realized our mistake we became upset because we had a fun Monday planned. We were going to play hide and seek, eat candy, watch movies, and say goodbye to everyone that we had met. But instead we watched the world cup, ate together, and only got to say goodbye to the kids. Sunday was a great day though! We got to be at Chamba Valley for their first Sunday service ever, which was fun. The we all went into town to a restaurant and the kids helped me to do last minute shopping at the Sunday market. Thankfully people did not haggle as much, unlike Livingstone. It was a treat for all of us to go eat, normally the kids stay home. All day Sunday the kids kept hugging us saying, "We will miss you." It was hard.

I am a letter person- Words of Affirmation is my love language- so I gave all the kids letters. If you are my student, you know how much a like writing letters:) Anyways I say that to say this... that night I found a letter from Taipai, and the next morning Joseph gave me a letter. I waited until the plane to read them- bad idea, not sure why I did that. Joseph's letter was so precious, because most of it he copied from my letter- but the first few lines were from his heart- "Dear Lana I love you Lana. Sometimes I just sit and smile and feel happy there are people like you in the world! I have Big love for you. I can not wait to see you again! I will miss your smile. You are a good teacher. Keep me in your prayers. You are a good girl and I love you. Love from Joseph Chulu." Makes you wanna cry huh! That alone did not make me was the picture he drew- the faces with tears coming down. I guess I will go ahead and explain the sad part of the trip, the goodbyes.

We had to leave the house at 6:00 a.m., only to wait in line at the airport for 3 hours because their systems were down and they had to handwrite every ticket- fun stuff! Anyways we woke the kids up before we left, and I was not sure how it would all go. I thought I might completely break down and sob, but usually in situations where I should cry, I do not. I hugged the girls by first and said bye to my room. I held them for a while and they did not cry, which was good. But then I went to hug Joseph, and he would not let go...I look down and see huge tears coming down his face. That is when I lost it. I did not even know what to say, I mean I would love to go back and see them, but you never know what the future holds. All i wanted to say is that I will come back, but I did not want to give them false hope. I am sure the kids were so emotional, because they know what the future holds, and that is Duane and Laurie leaving to go back to America in a year. It is amazing what Duane and Laurie are doing for these children, and I hope we all pray for the separation next year, and the kids future. God will be with them, but we all need to pray for them and their lives. After Jo somewhat settled down I hugged Collins- my little sidekick- he started to cry once Joseph did. Lyton really touched me by holding on for so long- he is normally quiet, and so I was not expecting that- but was glad, I really loved Lyton and he sweet funny personality. Persyn had been really upset the night before, but the day of he was good. I have never had to say goodbye to someone that I will not see again, except for my Grandad, and so it was a tough. But I will continue to keep in contact with them, and hopefully get the chance to see them when they are older:) Deep down I think I will see them again!

We got to visit London for a few hours and then had the pleasure of sleeping in the Heathrow airport of few hours. I am pretty exhausted. London was fun- Boy is it awake even in the middle of the night! It was beautiful, I enjoyed seeing it at night.

Now that I am home in my HUGE apartment, with water that I do not have to filter, with a air conditioner, without weird bugs (ps. I have not seen any boils on me- hopefully those pootsie flies did not get me), and with food at my fingertips- I realize how blessed I am. Now that I have seen extremely poor people, I am more thankful. At the same time, I know that if I was born in Africa, I would have just as many things, and maybe more to be thankful for. Their simple lifestyle is one that God wants us to have. They showed me love, and so much joy and thankfulness- Where did that go in America? They are always happy and willing to help, and I never once heard someone complain. I was hoping that character trait would rub off on me and I would never complain again, but then I got at the airport and waited 3 hours in line....did not last long:)

****PICTURES: I have a photobucket account and all you need to do is click on this link and look through them...

***It will be easy to look at them if you push the Slideshow button at the Top right hand corner of the webpage. Once you get on the slideshow, click full screen and let it roll. There are comments at the bottom of every picture.
Here is a list of things that I wrote down as I traveled- things that remind me of Zambia...

Stars (Huge Sky- BRIGHT Stars)
Dust, lots of Dust and Dirt
Children Taking care of Children
Children Everywhere!
Laid Back Culture... until they get in their cars and honk like crazy at you!
Always Waiting on people- no sense of time
Bumps and more bumps when driving
Weird Detours
No Food is Like American Food
Salt- Oil- Chicken- Eggs- Nshima
Women have to do everything!
The corrupt Police
Most people do not have jobs
No Complaining!
Zain- Top Up (Cell Phone Company) Everyone has cell phones
Skinny Dogs
Cows/goats/donkeys/chickens in the roads

Anyways- I wanted to write those down, so I could have them recorded for myself. I just want to say a special thanks for all of those who believed in me and encouraged me along the way. I love how God works in mysterious ways! A few scriptures that guided me along the way and made me want to experience Africa were:

James 1:27- Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. (this scripture has always fascinated me)
Ps. 33:7- You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble.
Matt 19:14- Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of Heaven. (I almost felt like I experienced what Jesus might have the times kids surrounded him- like when I was passing out stickers and playing with the kids).
Proverbs 16:9- A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

Side Note- I read a great book that some wonderful friends of mine suggested- it is called- Left to Tell- Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust. By Immaculee Ilibagiza. Nothing like that is going on in Zambia, but it was my plane book and it is great! The last sentence in the book was really touched me... The love of a single heart can make a world of difference.

Duane- Thank you SO much for the wonderful Experiences! You are so funny, loving, kind, generous, scary (haha), and talented. I am so thankful that I had this opportunity and that you were there to keep me safe and feel comfortable the whole time! Thanks for taking me everywhere I wanted to go, scaring me in the house, shooting the gun to scare people, loving Zambia, loving God's word, loving the orphans, and believing in so many people. I will always have a special place in my heart for you! Keep taking care of yourself and not just everyone else:) Start working on your book! Thanks again for your hospitality.

Family- You know how much you mean to me, but let me tell you again...I love you all! Thanks for supporting me with money and encouraging words. I hope you will all experience something like I did! You have made me who I am... and I am not going to lie- I like who I am:)

Denton County Family- Thank you so much for supporting me and jump starting this entire experience. I would have never gone if Jonathan would not have presented me the opportunity, and got the ticket stuff worked out. Thank you for always believing in me, and for supporting me with money and love. I love going to a church where they push you to grow spiritually...I think this was a great push that I needed and I will forever be greatful!

Alisha- Thanks again for the photo help. I am really glad I have a great photographer BFF. You sort of come in handy. Love you!

My New Friends/ Family in Africa- You will never know the impact you had in my life. I will keep you in my prayers and I hope you keep me in yours! Love you all!

One of my favorite Songs that they sing!

Joseph's Goodbye


  1. You're very welcome! I'm glad you're home safe! Love you!

    P.S. Joseph's voice sounds so sweet!

  2. Lana, my heart is full!! Thank you for taking us along on your journey. Your blog has been such a blessing, as well as the pictures and videos. GOD is GREAT! Can't wait to see you. Love, Mom

  3. Ok this last one made me cry, especially Joseph's video. So sweet. Hope to be seeing you very soon. Love you.

  4. Just found your blog - I so SO wish I had found it sooner...

    I spent 6 weeks in Livingstone, Zambia a few years ago and loved every minute of it. One of these days I'll get back there...

    Also.. how amazing is Victoria Falls???
