Saturday, July 10, 2010

Elephants, Hippos, and Giraffes Oh My!

Hello All,

We got back from Livingstone last night. It was supposed to take around 6 hours, but the police, dirt roads, broken down trucks, and potholes caused it to be a tad longer. All I gotta say is America is on top of it when it comes to road construction (compared to Africa). I am also thankful for the police now... Duane got pulled over 3 times (he was not even speeding), but if a police officer says he has a ticket, well you have to pay it- lots of corruption. If Duane would have had a bible or a few cokes in the car he would have gotten out of the tickets, but we did not so each one cost around 20 dollars each, maybe less. Yes, that is super cheap for us, BUT not when you are doing nothing wrong and they feel like they need some money. Duane says you cannot argue with them or make them think that you are better than them, because they will fine you more or possibly put you in jail- which is an awful place. I am just saying that traveling in America is 1 billion times better- so be very thankful!

On the way to Livingstone we passed millions of straw huts, sugar cane fields, banana plantations, tomato farms, coffee fields, people selling things on the side of the roads, fires, and BEAUTIFUL stars! One night we stopped the car and just looked at the stars- they truly are amazing! We saw the milky way, and super bright stars/ planets-Venus. We were all enjoying them when Niles started screaming because a mouse crawled up his leg. We hit some major neck snapping speed bumps along the way...they do not warn you or have them painted, so in the dark you are on you own! We traveled most of Wednesday then got to Livingstone very late, so we checked into a cute little motel. It was super cheap- 50 dollars for 2 nights for me- I got my own little bungalow grass hut thing- sounds great huh:) The only issue I had was the mosquito net that I needed to sleep under stunk really bad, and so I could not do it. Hopefully I did not get a bite! The next night I figured out a way to spread out the net so it would not be in my face and make me gag. I know I sound pathetic, but I have a sensitive nose- ha. The next morning we got up early to go to a Game Park. It was a lot of fun! Right away we saw spider monkeys, impala's, zebras, a family of giraffes, hippos, and a huge Lizard! The park was not busy at all, and we could drive right up to the was fun trying to spot things- way better then any zoo! I got some great pictures of some of the animals, which I will post when I get back home. At one point we almost got stuck in the mud...we all thought we would get eaten by baboons or something.

We then went to shop which was the most stressful experience of my life. I am not being dramatic about that either. If you have been to a market in Africa you will know what I am talking about. Everything they sell is awesome and handmade which makes it even cooler, but most of them make the same stuff and haggle the dog out of you! When I shop I hate to be bothered...well I had to get over that real fast. They asked me where I was from (I say America- and they try sell it to me for more money- or try to trade a shirt of mine or something). Every guy was telling me to sit down and to "look for free"...they whole time they are putting stuff in my hands saying that they will "give to me for a good price." I am just stressing because they are surrounding me, asking me tons of questions, and I am trying to remember the 50 people I have to buy for. Not only that, I had to try to haggle with them (not good at this)- usually I cut the price in half and they would normally do that. It was hard to use their money system too... I am just so inexperienced! I bought most of the stuff for about $3.00- $20.00, so I did good, I guess. Right before I started the shopping spree April yelled, "Lana, a monkey!" So I looked behind me and a baboon was running at me- Scary! Those things look evil- and they are not afraid of people. So I started to run for my life, and then it jumped on the passenger window of Duane's truck while he was in there, and tried to get in the truck. Haha- it was so funny, but I was afraid he was going to attack Duane or something! The baboon ended up getting out of the truck, but that was a funny experience! The stuff that they were selling was soo cool! I still have more shopping to do, but it is nice because they prices are so cheap!

We then went to another shopping market, and I found a few more items...I started to get good at not looking people in the eyes and getting away from their little traps! Next we went on the African Queen- it was an awesome experience! The African Queen is a boat that we rode on down the Zambezi River at Sunset. They served us food, and the sunset was beautiful! The stars and the Sunset will forever be etched in my memory! God is good! On the boat we saw a family of hippos in the water, very cute! We also saw a elephant- which we were excited about. It was nice to just relax and be on a true vacation:)

The next morning we went to Victoria Falls-Which was amazing! We all got wet, but luckily I remembered to bring rain ponchos. The mist from the falls is very strong, and so that it why you get wet. We walked across a bridge, running, because it was pouring down mist! The rocks were covered in beautiful green moss- almost like ferngully. There was a rainbow too, because of the mist. It was fun being in a real rain forest...I was just waiting for a huge snake to pop out on the trails. The falls are something that really make you pause and thank God.

Once we got home last night we ordered pizza and played Uno- it was fun, but I am starting to miss home! I will be back Wednesday Afternoon. Love you all!


  1. What an AMAZING vacation, Lana! That was very sweet of Duane to take you all that way and to "save" you from the baboon ... HA! I imagine that he won't forget his Bible and Cokes next time. Can't wait to see the pictures and here more stories. We are all counting the days until you are home safe and sound. Love you!

  2. Sweet is ssooo hard to imagine you experiencing all this! How fun! Thanks for sharing and giving us a visual picture of it all. I can just hear you telling the story as I read your words. It is wonderful to get those glimpses of God in His creation and to be able to connect with other Christians around the world. Oh...I think you need to have someone video you shopping and bargaining in the market! ;) Looking to seeing you back at home!! Love and Hugs! Georgeen

  3. Sounds amazing Lan! I can't wait to see pictures! Enjoy each and every moment and be safe! Love and miss you. ~Denise

  4. Haha. You describe all these exotic and awesome experience....and then you order pizza and play Uno. That's great. I'm sure the bargaining was overwhelming, but didn't you enjoy it all just a tad? ;)
