Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy Orphans, Long Goodbyes, and accidental Off-Roading

Happy Sleeping...

I am wide awake and we are getting ready to go to Livingstone, Zambia! I am very excited because we are going to a game park, to Victoria Falls, and floating down the Zambezi River (the place where Audrey Hepburn shot the movie African Queen). We also are going shopping!! The stuff here is sooo cool, I want it all! We went by some woodcarvers yesterday and they wanted $4.00 for amazing things- which everyone tells me that you can usually get them to half the price (I sort of feel bad, since it's just $4.00). I will not be able to blog for about 3 days, but I plan to continue to upload videos and all my pictures when I get home. The Internet has been slow lately, and so I have not been able to do as much on here. I am just happy that we have had Internet access so far- did not think we would!

On Monday, we had one more full day of church- they like church here:) What amazes me the most is the people who travel so far. Duane said that people will walk for 3 days to get to meetings. There was a preacher this weekend who traveled 234 miles one way on a motorcycle to come this weekend- he is about 70 years old- talk about sacrifice and loving the Lord! When he stopped at night to sleep he said he heard hyenas and lions in the distance- Crazyy! I got sick for the first time...I felt like I was going to throw up, so I took a nap while everyone was having lunch, and felt better after I rested. They have a tradition here that the last day of a revival every leader of each church speaks and thanks the host congregation, the Lord, and most recognized us- the Americans- ha. It was about 3 hours long, and about 35 church leaders spoke. I was getting a tad restless, but it sure was a true African tradition, which was cool. That night most people stayed again, and they next morning they packed in buses and cars to go home.

Yesterday, we went on a little adventure. I wanted to visit an orphanage, and so we went to one that Duane had visited before. The roads getting there were bumpy, again, imagine that. Once we got there the kids were all outside the gate. Right away the smell of urine hit me. (I have a very sensitive stomach, and so this trip has strengthened my stomach or I am just sucking it up-I wanted to gag about 10 times). All of the kids were so outgoing and happy to see us. This orphanage was started by an American girl about my age- which is so encouraging and awesome. The thing is she lives in Missouri to work and pay for the orphanage, but she can not stay there and supervise. The lady who lives with the children said that we were suprise angels that came, which was sweet. At first I felt a little uncomfortable, because of the smell, and the show that was on the t.v. (they were all watching it- it was not appropriete for kids). There were about 16 kids living there....they were all so sweet and happy, which made me feel better. I then jumped out of my comfort zone and asked all the kids to come outside and show me some games they knew. That was when we started to have fun- they had a million games that they play! I videoed the games and will post them when I get home. I then took a tour of the house and almost threw up in the bathroom, but I got a picture! The kids all had bunk beds, and hardly any clothes. I gave them all stickers and extra supplies and books that my students and friends provided- so once again, you made a difference! When we left they all looked so sad- which really made me upset. They asked when I was coming back, which is probably never. That was hard to tell them, and to just see their faces. Hard Day.

We then went to a gorge (well we were going to), but it was closed. So this guy at the gate told us that we could go down this one road to see it- I do not know what he was thinking because we were driving for a good 10 minutes one the smallest dirt road ever with trees and high grass everywhere. We had so turn around, because I guess he misunderstood us. Anyways I am excited about today and our travels. Love you all!


  1. Lana,

    It all sounds so wonderful! I can't wait to see all of the pictures that you have taken on your journey! Your day sounded amazing! I'm glad you haven't gotten to terribly sick, that's a blessing. Please stay safe and healthy! We all love you and miss you! Have a wonderful day ahead! I love you.


  2. Wan that sounds so adventurous and awesome!!! I'm excited for all you got to see. I can't wait to look at your pictures and videos. I'm ready for you to come home.

    PS Katharine Hepburn was in the African Queen, not Audrey. Not trying to be a jerk and correct you- It doesn't really matter anyway... just thought you may wanna know for future reference.. :) Love you
