Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Gun is Shot... and I might come home with Pootsie Fly Bites

Hey there,

Thanks again for all of the comments, every comment encourages me. It is emotionally draining, so they do help! This will be a shorter post- It was a somewhat normal day.

So I am a very hard sleeper, I think all of my past roommates hate me for that quality, but it is a blessing in Africa. Every night the Security Dogs bark at everything, it always makes me laugh because they are right by our windows. Around Duane's house is a security gate (concrete blocks that are very high). There are bright lights all around too. Other homes have concrete blocks with pieces of glass sticking up. Speaking of security...haha... Duane just went outside and shot the gun about 4 times yelling with his most intimidating voice, "Come on out here, Come on!" We could not stop laughing because he came back just smiling and humming with his shotgun by his side. I will never forget that, and I don't think the people at the gate will either. Yes Dad, Duane is keeping me safe:)

Mornings are so busy around here, everyone is up and moving early. Julia gets here and comes into my room, loudly, and starts to cook breakfast for everyone (eggs and toast). Then the girls get up, loudly, and start on their daily chores. BUT my hard sleeping skills are coming in handy! After we finished breakfast I helped the boys with English again. Then we played some basketball. So the day was sort of uneventful, until about a few hours ago. We went into town to get the kids pizza, and saw a man get hit by a bike and just kept on riding. We came home to drop off the pizza and then we went back into town to eat out (we sort of all just needed a break). Parts of Zambia are very nice, the restaurant we ate at is across from the movie theater. It was nice to just be together and have normal conversations. We then came back and Duane asked if we needed more towels (we have been using the same towels for the past 3 days and hanging them to dry). Well when we said that his mouth dropped and he said huh oh. He then went on to tell us that wet towels or clothes that are left out usually get Pootsie Flies on them. Pootsie flies cause small boils on your skin and then you have to pop them to let out a worm- AWESOME! It takes 2 weeks to know if you have one, so I guess I will see in two weeks. Boy do I love adventure! I can stop thinking about worms in my body, I don't get it. Then after I was itchy enough we find ants all over the kitchen (which is pretty common everywhere, so no big deal), then Niles finds a Brown Recluse Spider in his room. Not to mention I have a few bites on me- Just gotta pray it's not malaria. Haha. It's really hard not to be paranoid. I just have to have faith and trust God's will.

Wow...that's all I have to say tonight. Tomorrow I am going to school with Merrium (SO excited)! She normally walks an hour to school, but we will take a car tomorrow. I should have many stories tomorrow.


  1. Wow Lana- what an adventure! I'm familiar with dealing with bugs in other countries but worms in your skin- my biggest nightmare! Sounds like you are holding up though and enjoying it!

  2. The internet connection at Duane’s house is a true blessing. It really helps with the home sickness. I hope you find comfort in knowing I was never physically sick while visiting Zambia. - Michael Howard

  3. WHOA...hopefully you dont poop out worms...thats crazy! Keep us posted on that : ) haha. Have fun at the school tomorrow...love you
    ~Lil T (tiffany...in case you forgot my nickname I've been trying out)

  4. Lana! I am so glad you are blogging and posting pictures so often. I want you to know I love you and miss you and tell everyone about the awesome things you are doing over there. Take care and if you pop out worms, take pictures and torture your bad CHS kids with them in the fall. :)

  5. Hey Lana Banana,
    No worries about the Pootsie fly...We will be praying specifically for all you not to get them! :) I can't wait to hear about the school. we love you lots and miss you. Thanks again for being such a sweet blessing. Your blog is truly changing my heart!
    Love, Krista

  6. Sweet Lana Kristine,
    Oh how many great things you are learning about strength and courage, hope and happiness from these wonderful people! And I know your visit benefits them as well. Your comments are heart-warming and we are all feeling connected to those around you. May God bless all His children in Zambia and around the globe!
    Love you lots! Mom

  7. Whoa!! I just read that about the flies! I sure hope you don't have those...but if you do, I want to see you pop one of the boils (I am kind of serious :-) Luke has been reading some of this with me and said, "that's some really good stuff..I want to read more of it." Thanks for your work on here, and more importantly, over there!
