Sunday, May 16, 2010


So I have set up a little blog to keep you informed when I go to Zambia, Africa. I mainly wanted to set this up to use as my own personal journal, to keep track of my experiences. I am very excited to see what God has in store for me! I have already received my immunizations- all 4 of them, and did not cry or pass out! If you know me, you know this is a HUGE accomplishment! I leave for Zambia June 24 and Lord willing, I will return July 13th. I am sort of dreading the 28- 36 hour flight- but it will be all worth it:)

A few of you might not know what I am doing in Lusaka, Africa this summer....let me fill ya in! I am staying with the Permenter's for 3-4 weeks (not sure yet on the exact amount of time). They have 6 orphan kids that live with them, and I am sooo excited to meet them! I will be leading a 2-week English workshop in their village. Yes, I am a teacher, No, I have no ESL experience- Yes, I need prayers! I am very excited about this experience, and welcome any advice or activities I could use! I will also get to visit a few orphanages and go to school with the kids to observe their education practices, visit Victoria Falls, go to a game park, and experience a 4th of July Church Revival.

I gave this blog site to all of my students, so if you are one of my students...hi:) Keep visiting my blog after June 24th, and I will put up pictures of the children with your books and jewelry- they will love them! Many of my students donated jewelry (for the orphan girls), children's books, and spirals to use in the workshop. I have some of the best kids in the world and I hope my experience might spark their interests to travel and help worldwide.

Please keep me in your prayers and encourage me along the way. I am beyond excited about this trip. I have dreamed about working in Africa for years and I cannot wait for this life-changing experience! I hope that I will have time and the technology to post often...Yes, I will be taking MANY pictures. I wonder how much weight I will lose? I know I will want to take home a few children... Well, that is enough for now... Love you all!

Lana or Miss. Wilson :)


  1. I'll be thinking of you while you're gone! Have a wonderful time! Love you so much and I can't wait to read your upcoming posts:) ~Melissa

  2. So so excited for you and for the Africans who will get to know you the next few weeks! I will be praying and can't wait to see pics!

  3. Lana- you are gonna do great! enjoy the time there, I'll be following along!

  4. God Bless You on your journey...If you have never been to a country like Zamibia before, it will stay with you for the rest of your life. When I was in the Service I lived in Bamako, Mali for two years. Not a day goes by that I dont think about it. It makes me a better teacher to have a good idea of what it is actually like to live in a very poor, yet hopeful, country. It makes me appreciate the US much more as well...Guess it helps explain why I am in a good mood most of the time---I know, and now you will too, how blesed we are....Look forward to hearing more about your trip!! Stay safe and have fun!!! :)

  5. Miss Lana,
    We are so thankful that you arrived safely. We appreciate the updates and look forward to the Lana way of seeing things. We love you and you and all the others are in our constant prayers. Have fun!
