Monday, September 16, 2013

The question I have waited 28 years for...

I finally have something exciting to write about!  My blog has been at a stand-still lately... mainly because I was busy dating the guy who asked me that really important question.  He is great, makes me a better person every day, and loves me a lot... Jonathan is the lucky guys name:)   Lana Nissen (like listen)...weird.

Some of you might be thinking... "Wow, I didn't even know you were dating someone, or you were not Facebook official and you are now engaged- whaaaat... can that even happen!"  I met this mystery boy 5 months ago in April and it has been a "right from the very first date story."  Yes... 5 months is a short amount of time, but for those who really know me know that I am a serious dater, who is not into games, just a long-lasting love.
Let me just go ahead and say... you guys are right.  All of your statements that used to annoy me really are true!  In a past post I wrote how the statement: "It will happen when you least expect it" annoyed me. I went on to say that I have been "least expecting it" for a few years now.  Well let me just say that I did not expect it to happen in the way that it did.  Timing is everything was another statement I heard a lot- which is TOTALLY true!   

You want to hear about the Proposal right?  First I want to tell our Story...cause it is fun/crazy/strange.  

OUR Story

So I had been single for quite the long spurt (as you all know)...I had not given up on the idea, and I was completely fine being single, but I was in a rut...a not trying, keep myself busy so I don't think about being single rut.  A coworker of mine was the one who pushed the idea that I need to try harder, because times a ticking, and I am a good catch (he said that- not me...but I agree- yes, I am confident, you gotta be at times).  SO a few of my friends and cousins had been pushing me to try internet dating...and I thought- why not, what is there to lose?  Yes, I will admit at first it seemed like a desperate, slightly embarrassing route to go, but I thought how else am I going to meet guys, it could be fun, and I could always shut it down.  Lets, just say you feel good about yourself after a while cause man... some of the characters I met were "interesting."  I mean you get free meals, and funny stories, but at times it was a beating!  I think some guys thought I was lying when I said I literally have no baggage and I am waiting for the right person.  From a bee keeper, to a treasure hunter, to a food chemist, to a baseball coach, to a teacher, to a youth pastor, to a foot doctor, I had quite the assortment.  Most of them were sweet guys, around 35, but just not what I was looking for.  Frustrated with the whole internet dating thing I got a message that caught my attention with its weirdness.  

The Message: "You're friends made you do this? I AM Jon's friend...this is perfect.  Almost as perfect as Jon, you wanna go out with him?"  This message raised a lot of questions... like how do I know Jon is real?  Do you have a wife...if so why are you searching for him?...what is wrong with him that he cannot do this himself?  He answered all of my questions with witty responses, and let me know that he was doing this behind Jonathan's back, because he would never do it himself.  

The rest is history and we are very thankful that numerous things happened in our favor... too many to mention.  I am especially thankful that Wyatt and Daniel found me, and gave me J's number.  By the 3rd or 4th date we both knew that it was all meant to be, and by the end of the first month we told each other I love you.  Super fast in Lana world, but perfect.   

THE Proposal (cue the sappy music)

Cassie (sister who was in on it the whole time) and I pulled into my driveway and she suddenly said, "umm, I need to go get something."  I did not really question it so I walked up to the front door which had this sign on it.  I turned and looked back at Cassie and was like- ahhh!  I knew that the proposal was coming, but had no idea it was coming on a Thursday... I mean who does that?!?  

So after getting passed these signs I was excited and nervous...and so was J:)  He had thought of every detail... and made it so special!  He polished and fixed the wood up for the "floor" and set up my patio to look like our wedding... he had listened to the things I want...he even told me...I know you don't want sunflowers, but that is what was in season.  iphone pictures...I apologize in advance.

He had Bon Iver in the record player playing... which is one of my favorite albums.  He told me he loved me on the hammock and so that is why he made the marquee I love You sign for the tree.  He tied wood on the poles and drilled holes in them for the flowers, and had cotton candy Rita's Ice in the bucket that he served.  Yes, he thought of everything:)  He even made the ring box- which I LOVE!  I really love my ring..  I love the shape of a marquise and thought that it could be cool turned horizontal.  The guy who made the ring said he has only made a few like that, so I was excited about how well it turned out!  Yes it is gold, and more than I needed or deserved...but awesome.

I am glad he did it Thursday because it was so fun telling my students Friday! If 
you have not watched the video of my RST students... you have to on my facebook page (they were adorable). 

So yeah... we are happily engaged!  Let the 6 month wedding countdown begin.  Yes, you read right (March 14th or 15th... not sure yet).